Tagged Drupal Planet

Prepping for DrupalCon Austin sprints: Sprint leads, component maintainers, experienced contributors & mentors, update core issue queues this week!

t’s hard to believe that DrupalCon Austin starts in a week. Woohoo! We’re excited to have 5 of our team members going… 3 of them (Lindsay, Marc & Patrick) have never been to a DrupalCon before and I’m sure they’ll have a great time with sessions and BoFs and parties and their very first sprints. For the first-timers, don’t miss the Get Involved with Core and Contribution Sprints on Friday where you can get the help you need to make Drupal better while having a fun time with the community (and remember to stick around for the extended sprints on the weekend too ;). For those of you with issues you want help with, read on…
DrupalCon Austin Logo

Wraith tutorial for designers and others new to front-end ops

With new responsive websites, it's more important than ever to look at your site at different widths. But this can be time consuming and repetitive. Also, you may want to see how your dev site compares to your live site - for example "Did this small change I made to the css on one page change much on other pages?" Again, time consuming to do by hand. Luckily for us, here comes Wraith to the rescue! 

Hook42 Team
Wraith tutorial displayed in browser

Hook 42 Presentations at Stanford Drupal Camp

The Hook 42 team had a great time at Stanford Drupal Camp this weekend.  Kristen and Aimee presented two sessions each and four other members of our team attended, Lindsay, K2 (Kristin), Marc, and Marc's 15 year old son Dean.  It was the first Drupal camp experience for the extended team and they enjoyed the great topics, beautiful facilities, and the welcoming community.  Many thanks to the Stanford Drupal community for hosting such a great event!

Pink Drupal Logo

Deleting a Drupal Field Saved in Features

There comes a time in every Drupal developer's day when they realize they really don't need a field on some content type or other entity. Maybe it was a field holding temporary data while you did a migration or maybe a feature was removed or maybe things have been rearchitected to use a non-field approach.

Drawing of a developer reading a book

Drupal Peer Review and Testing with Pantheon Multidev

We use Pantheon for most of our projects and it is quite wonderful to use. In particular, the multidev feature provided by the Business+ level hosting is a "must have" for development teams. Not only do you get the standard dev => test => live development workflow, you also get separate sandboxed dev sites for each of your developers to work in.

Drawing of a storefront

Rocking Drupal Multilingual at BADCamp!

Hook 42 will be doing all things multilingual at BADCamp this year! First up, on Friday, we'll be training Drupalers on creating multilingual Drupal 7 website's using Kristen's book.

Drupal logo saying hello in multiple languages