Tagged Drupal Planet

Hook 42 at Stanford Drupal Camp 2016

We are excited for an annual journey down the peninsula to Stanford Drupal Camp this week! We are ready to rock Stanford with our sessions! Aimee Degnan, Kristen Pol, and Kristin (K2) Bradham will be presenting sessions - from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, multilingual to devops, to even Drupal itself!
Hook42 Team
Pink Drupal Logo

How to Help with the Drupal 8 Contrib Porting Tracker

Drupal 8 RC2 is out and a full release is coming on November 19th! But, in order to make more great websites on Drupal 8, we need to port a bunch of contrib projects from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. There are a LOT of contrib projects out there (over 12,000 modules, themes, and distributions!), so the new Drupal 8 Contrib Porting Tracker helps track these projects so the community can see what’s going on in a centralized place.

Hook42 Team
mountain climbing illustration

Keep Drupal Entity References in Sync with the CER Module

Why Use the Corresponding Entity References Module?

Corresponding Entity References (CER) is a very useful module if you have two entity references that talk to each other. If you update one entity reference, CER does all the work to make sure the other entity reference reflects that update. It makes it easy to quickly associate entity references without having to edit two entities.

Hook42 Team
Drawing of webpage and buckets labeled "UI," "Content," and "Config."

A Path from Drupal Newbie to Core Contributor

Patrick Storey answers a few questions about working with the Drupal community and contributing to Drupal core. Just goes to show you do not have to be a ninja programmer or have 30 years Drupal experience to have a positive impact in the Drupal community! Thanks, Patrick. :)

1. When did you start working with Drupal?

I started working with Drupal around a year and a half ago. I was working on a small site in WordPress when my older brother, John Storey, suggested I check out Drupal as he had about a decade's worth of experience using Drupal.

Hook42 Team
illustration of patrick

DrupalCon LA - A Few of Our Favorite Things

DrupalCon is a wonderful experience (even if it's in downtown LA!). We come together as a community to learn and share and have a fun time. The Hook 42 team grew a bit from last year and was fortunate to have 8 team members in LA. We had a great time and wanted to share some of our highlights with you.

DrupalCon LA - great view from rooftop of downtown LA


Hook42 Team
Hook 42 team photo

Join me in Drupal 8 Novice Issue Validation


The purpose of this blog post is to tell others how in one week I went from fruitlessly searching the Issue Queue, to contributing to Drupal 8 while interacting with core contributors...and how you can too! I did this by triaging Issues that had the Novice Tag with the help of Drupal Mentors and I documented the process along the way. There are a ton of Issues left to triage and core contributors need your help!

Hook42 Team
drupal together teamwork