Tagged Drupal Planet

Accessibility and Drupal Meetup

"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
- Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web

The Bay Area is fortunate to have Mike Gifford visiting from Canada and he carries with him unique perspectives on web accessibility. Hook 42 has organized an evening with Mike for conversation, collaboration, and thought leadership surrounding Drupal Accessibility.

Hook42 Team
Images of Mike Giffors and accessibility keyboard buttons

Roping in TextWrangler

As Hook 42's Community Evangelist, I frequently venture into the prairie of Drupal documentation. It's not quite the Wild Wild West, but having a solid text editor in my holster keeps me saddled up and ready to ride.

Hook42 Team
Lego cowboy with a lassoo

Baltimore DrupalCon - Favorites From Charm City

Every year DrupalCon brings the community together. This year we were fortunate enough to have eleven of our team come together in Baltimore! We had a ton of fun while Drupaling and want to share a few of our favorite moments!

Hook42 Team
Hook 42 ladies at baltimore drupalcon

Baltimore!! We're Excited!

We're all thrilled to be heading to Baltimore soon for DrupalCon!

The Hook 42 team is on their way to the historic city of Baltimore. Its early days helped shape the narrative of America. This year it hosts DrupalCon North America and perhaps it will share a role in shaping the future of Drupal.

The team is excited to share what they are looking forward to, not only at DrupalCon, but also what the city might have in store for them during their down time.

Hook42 Team
DrupalCon Baltimore logo

Hook 42's Sessions, BoFs, and Events at DrupalCon Baltimore

Charm City here we come! Hook 42 is on their way to DrupalCon Baltimore!

DrupalCon Baltimore will be here before we know it, and the Hook 42 team is thrilled to be presenting four sessions this year! Aimee, Kristen Pol, and Kristin Bradham (K2) are ready to share their knowledge on Drupal 8 theming and view modes, worst practices, and migrations (alongside our friend Ryan Weal. 

Along with our sessions, we are helping organize and host a couple of other events! We are excited to be helping plan this year’s Business Summit, as well as continuing our sponsorship of Women in Drupal!


Hook42 Team
drupalcon baltimore logo

Stanford Drupal Camp 2017 - Ready, Git Set, Go!

I fully embraced the motto “go big or go home” when I started to think about my first solo community presentation for Stanford Drupal Camp 2017. I wanted to force myself to learn a subject well enough that I could explain it to others. I like a challenge, so I set my eyes on understanding the fundamentals of Git.
Hook42 Team
Pink Stanford drupal logo

Stanford Drupal Camp - What a Difference a Year Makes

Reflections from Last Year

Last weekend I had the opportunity to experience Stanford Drupal Camp for the second time. This year's camp shows how far I have come, since at the 2016 camp I knew virtually nil about Drupal. I had only done some mild content entry for Burningtoken Records and had a few weeks of Drupal Easy Academy under my belt. I felt out of my league, as I was not part of the industry or this elusive "community" I had heard so much about.

Hook42 Team
Drupal Community and Teamwork