Reflections from Last Year
Last weekend I had the opportunity to experience Stanford Drupal Camp for the second time. This year's camp shows how far I have come, since at the 2016 camp I knew virtually nil about Drupal. I had only done some mild content entry for Burningtoken Records and had a few weeks of Drupal Easy Academy under my belt. I felt out of my league, as I was not part of the industry or this elusive "community" I had heard so much about.
Last Year - Stanford Drupal Camp 2016
Sessions were daunting, even the courses marked for beginners had words in the title I didn't understand. I stuck with the Site Building track since that's what I was currently learning from Mike Anello. Truthfully, I didn't have full command of what DevOps, UX and what all those other words even meant. However, there was one session, Conversational Drupal: A Crash Course in Drupal Jargon with Kristin Bradham, that was perfect for me and I already knew the presenter!
Lunch time rolled around, and I stuck like glue to my Hook 42 cohorts. Other Drupalers mingled around and introductions were made. Everyone was so nice and inviting; I discovered what "community" really meant. Camp finished with Happy Hour at The Treehouse... community, with beer!!
Fast Forward to This Year - Stanford Drupal Camp 2017
I have accomplished so much in the last 12 months. I went to DrupalCon NOLA, completed an internship with our friends at Kalamuna, attended BADCamp, and now have an official job with Hook 42: Community Evangelist.
Being more knowledgeable and part of a team allowed me some exploration and guidance in session selection. I had confidence in choosing discussions that aligned with my team's goals and my own personal growth. I sat in on Lindsay's first solo talk, Ready Git Set Go! I also explored UX, Content Strategy, and Accessibility sessions.
Confidence was by my side. There were familiar faces in the crowd, teammates to hug and high five. Introducing myself and making new connections was easier now that I felt a part of a team. Names I had seen on drupal.org were now faces and actual people, and now friends.
Looking Ahead to Next Year - Stanford Drupal Camp 2018
I am confident that I will have a knowledge base to be able to present a session myself. Which track? Who knows?! During this next phase of my Drupal development, I am sure Hook 42 will allow me the time and space to explore my interests and capabilities. Next stop Baltimore!