Jonathan standing outside in San Fransisco

Jonathan Daggerhart


I started developing websites in the mid 90's using tables and iframes for all the things. Nowadays, I like developing in PHP and JavaScript for various content management systems. Drupal is a longtime favorite of mine; but, I also appreciate working in WordPress and more framework-y systems when the opportunities arise.

My professional experience spans module/plugin/theme development, application architecture, e-commerce, and system administration. Unprofessionally, I dabble in game development (both digital and physical), User Experience design, and I've fixed my fair share of printers for family members. As a co-organizer of Drupal Camp Asheville, I get a lot of joy out of training and helping new developers understand their platform and future career opportunities.

In my spare time I enjoy watching movies, playing Magic the Gathering competitively, and playing table-top role-playing games with friends.


"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."

~ Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Jonathan wearing a hat with apple logo covering his face
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