Tagged Architecture

Drupal 8 Interviews: Spotlight on Andrew Dunkle from Go Overseas

Andrew Dunkle is the CTO of Go Overseas. Go Overseas is a platform that strives to help people find meaningful travel experiences abroad. They often describe themselves as the Yelp or Airbnb of study abroad programs. Volunteers, recent high school graduates, or anyone who is looking to travel in a more impactful way can use the site to find opportunities. Andrew and his business partner, Mitch, co-founded the company in 2008, while teaching together in Taiwan. They recognized the need for a platform to provide information and encouragement about taking the opportunity to go overseas and give back at the same time.

Hook42 Team
GoOverseas logo and Andrew Dunkle photo

Being Drupal Adjacent

One of the major objectives of Drupal 8 is the desire to “get off the island.” Drupal opened its doors to using and contributing to a broader ecosystem of projects instead of replicating functionality in Drupal. We now see tools like Twig and various Symfony components in Core. Contributed modules are also able to integrate projects and Software Development Kits (SDKs). For example, Password Strength, Digital Ocean, and Hubspot API integrate through Drupal’s native use of Composer. This philosophy helps those of us that more closely identify as “Drupal Adjacent.”

Hook42 Team
Drawing of people holding up a Drupal log, reads "It takes a village"

Drupal 8 Interviews: Spotlight on Eduardo Garcia

For this month’s Drupal 8 Interview we were excited to catch up with Eduardo Garcia. He is the CTO of both WeKnow and anexus. WeKnow is a Drupal and Symfony consulting and training firm. Anexus is a company that supports the development of Drupal Console.

Most people in the open source and Drupal community know him as Enzo. His companies are mostly distributed and he likes to think of himself as a distributed person because of his love for travel. He is a native Colombian who lived in Costa Rica for more than 14 years. He currently resides in Australia with his family.

Hook42 Team
Black and white visual of Eduardo Garcia smiling

Hook 42 at Stanford Camp 2018

If DrupalCon is right around the corner, then Stanford Drupal Camp is right in front of us! We’re excited to spend a couple days almost in our own backyard at Stanford before heading to Nashville. 

We have a bunch of sessions lined up on a variety of subjects... from DevOps to decoupled Drupal, technical acronyms to development tips, and even a case study about a Stanford project. We’ve got something for everyone, so we hope to see you there!

Hook42 Team
drupal and stanford logo

Field Notes: UI Patterns Module

When it comes to Atomic Design systems in Drupal 8, there’s hardly a shortage of solutions to choose from. Pattern Lab and KSS Node are certainly among the most popular and the recently released Mannequin looks incredibly exciting. However, in all these aforementioned solutions, exposing that component data to Drupal has never been particularly straightforward.

UI Patterns infographic

Hook 42's Sessions, BoFs, and Events at DrupalCon Baltimore

Charm City here we come! Hook 42 is on their way to DrupalCon Baltimore!

DrupalCon Baltimore will be here before we know it, and the Hook 42 team is thrilled to be presenting four sessions this year! Aimee, Kristen Pol, and Kristin Bradham (K2) are ready to share their knowledge on Drupal 8 theming and view modes, worst practices, and migrations (alongside our friend Ryan Weal. 

Along with our sessions, we are helping organize and host a couple of other events! We are excited to be helping plan this year’s Business Summit, as well as continuing our sponsorship of Women in Drupal!


Hook42 Team
drupalcon baltimore logo

Hook 42 at Stanford Drupal Camp 2016

We are excited for an annual journey down the peninsula to Stanford Drupal Camp this week! We are ready to rock Stanford with our sessions! Aimee Degnan, Kristen Pol, and Kristin (K2) Bradham will be presenting sessions - from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, multilingual to devops, to even Drupal itself!
Hook42 Team
Pink Drupal Logo