We're super excited to attend New England Drupal Camp this year!
Aimee is honored to have been invited to be the keynote speaker this year. She'll be discussing inclusion and diversity in the community. In addition to Aimee's keynote, we are partnering up with our longtime friends at Lingotek to put together a hands-on multilingual workshop that covers Drupal 8 and an integration to Lingotek's Translation Management System.
Just in case that wasn't enough, we're also presenting a couple of sessions. One will be comparing the madness of the multilingual modules on Drupal 7 to the new and improved Drupal 8 multilingual approach. We will be presenting another session covering how ANYONE and EVERYONE can help contribute back to the Drupal project, even if they aren't the most advanced technical person.
Inclusion and Diversity in the Ever-growing Global Digital Marketplace
Aimee Degnan | Saturday November 18, 1:45pm - 2:45 pm | Ballroom
Multilingual Drupal Training
Drupal 8 Multilingual Websites
Aimee Degnan & Lingotek | Friday November 17, 9:00am - 4:00pm with a lunch break | Hogan 402
It's hard for some of us to believe but, not everyone speaks English! ;) Reaching audiences from different countries and with different language preferences can boost site conversions, improve user engagement, and create happier customers. Drupal is a go-to CMS for both small and large websites. But, until Drupal 8, building a multilingual site in Drupal has been quite challenging. In Drupal 7, it can take up to 20 core and community modules (or more!), lots of configuration, and often many patches from the issue queues to get a site prepped for multiple languages and translations. But, have no fear!
Learning Objectives
You'll be learning a lot in one day! Here are some highlights:
- Understand what Drupal components might need translations
- Configure interface translations to be pulled from localize.drupal.org automatically
- Pros and cons between node/content translation and field/entity translation
- Configure entities (nodes, comments, users, etc.) for translations
- Update views, site variables, and other configuration to support different languages
Who Will Gain the Most From This Training?
This workshop is geared towards Drupal site builders, developers, and themers who are familiar with building Drupal 7 websites. Beginner Drupalers are welcome but, to get the most out of the training, it would be good to understand Drupal basics like creating content types, blocks, views, and users.
Both Aimee & AmyJune will be presenting sessions. Aimee will be comparing multilingual functionality between Drupal 7 with Drupal 8 and AmyJune will be preparing newbies to work in the Drupal.org issue queue.
Multilingual Makeover: A side-by-side comparison of Drupal 7 and Drupal 8
Aimee Degnan | Saturday November 18, 9am - 10am | Hogan 402
Hello! Ciao! Hola! Salom! Hai! Elo!
We live in a global, interconnected world, and building websites that support multiple languages and countries is good for marketing, conversions, and creating happy users. It does not, however, also mean you will have happy developers.
Drupal 7 is notoriously hard for creating multilingual websites. Language support in D7 was bolted-on and adhoc and tends to require 20 to 30 extra modules and often a number of patches and custom workarounds as well. Drupal 7 multilingual configuration is ugly. And that's being kind.
But, Drupal has had a complete multilingual makeover! Enter Drupal 8. You might think we are talking about slapping on some makeup here, but we aren't.
Definition: A makeover is "a complete reconstruction and renovation of something".
The Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative had quite a mess to untangle. The goal was to rebuild language support in Drupal from the ground up so that everything in Drupal understood language from the start. And, any custom or contributed modules or themes for Drupal 8 would reap the benefit of not really having to understand language support because it would just "be there". The results are amazing.
This session is a side-by-side comparison of ugly Drupal 7 configuration and beautiful Drupal 8 configuration. What took 20+ modules in Drupal 7, takes 4 in Drupal 8, with no workarounds, patches, or hacks.
We'll compare Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 configuration for:
- Language support
- User interface translation
- Content translation
- Configuration translation
- And more...
Dred(itor) the Issue Queue? Don't - It's Simple(lytest) to Git in!
AmyJune Hineline | Saturday, November 18, 10:15am - 11:15am | Hogan 401
Every newbie dreams of being a contributor to the Drupal project. But, where do you begin? And more importantly, what are some of the tools to help navigate the adventure successfully? In this session, we will go over a couple of the gadgets necessary for working in the Drupal issue queue when being a novice. We will also have a lightning round demonstrating the process of creating an issue, writing a patch, uploading the fix to Drupal.org, and then reviewing the patch for RTBC.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
If you see us in the halls, feel free to say hi! We'll have some of our stickers with us in case your laptop needs some new decoration.