Along with me, we have a new Accessibility Lead and Senior Front-end Developer, Carie Fisher, who will be in Vienna. We are excited to have her onboard! Carie is one of the community leaders who received a well-deserved scholarship to attend DrupalCon Vienna.
Be sure to say hello to me and Carie while you’re at DrupalCon and pick up some cools stickers after the sessions.
Hook 42 Sessions
Core Accessibility: How are we doing, and what can we do better?
Andrew Macpherson, Theodore Biadala, and Kristen Pol with Room Moderator Carie Fisher | Schubert 3 | Wednesday 10:45 - 11:45
We often hear "I don't know what accessibility means" or "accessibility is hard" or "we don't have budget to deal with accessibility". We sometimes hear "the site must be 508 compliant" or the vague "the site must be accessible".
As we build Drupal websites, our exposure to the world of accessibility is often driven by the client or website owner. If they have accessibility requirements, we learn about these and try to meet their needs. Sometimes, it's driven by our own desire or need to make our websites consumable for more people.
In Drupal core, we've been making good strides incorporating accessibility best practices into the UX and markup. It’s not only important to help increase Drupal product adoption in some markets (e.g. the public sector) that have strict requirements, but accessibility is important to make Drupal sites reach the most people with varying backgrounds and abilities. This can be good for business. It is certainly good for our humanity.
Let's discuss...
- What are some core accessibility improvements?
- How do we think we are doing overall in core?
- What are we working on now?
- What are some of the challenges we face?
- How can the community help?
This is a core conversation, so bring your concerns, opinions, and suggestions, and be ready to chime in!
Intended Audience
Anyone interested in how we are doing on accessibility in core and with ideas of how we might improve.
Skill Levels
This session is suitable for all levels.
A/B Testing with Optimizely
Kristen Pol | Lehar 3 | Wednesday 14:50 - 15:15
A/B testing can be a useful technique for identifying how changes on web pages affect user engagement and conversions. There are several tools available to implement A/B testing including the popular Optimizely.
This session will cover A/B testing in general as well as some common use cases and features for Optimizely including:
- Changing simple things like color or text
- Adding new content
- Removing things from the page
- Configuring for phones or tablets
- Using redirects for full-page testing
- Preview of some advanced features
Intended Audience
Anyone who is interested in learning about A/B testing to improve UX in general and what you can do with Optimizely in particular will benefit from this session.
Skill Levels
This session is suitable for beginners and intermediates.