Hook 42 has run four Drupal multilingual trainings at BADCamp since 2012, which has been a lot of fun. The first three years were focused on Drupal 7 only, and last year our training was split between Drupal 7 and Drupal 8. At all of these trainings, we had the great fortune of having the Lingotek team help us mentor students during the self-paced training as well as give a quick peek at their translation software.
This year we are happy to announce that we are officially partnering with Lingotek for an all-day Drupal 8 multilingual training at BADCamp.
What: Drupal 8 Multilingual Websites Training
When: Friday October 21, 2016, 8am to 5pm
Where: BADCamp 2016, UC Berkeley
Who: For intermediate site builders, developers, themers, and project managers
Why: Because Drupal 8 multilingual is amazing!
If you don't know already, creating multilingual websites in Drupal 7 is very challenging. The good news is that it's so much simpler in Drupal 8. What takes 20+ modules in Drupal 7, can be handled by 4 core modules in Drupal 8. We'll go over some key differences between Drupal 7 and 8, and walk through a hands-on lab to create a multilingual Drupal 8 site.
After creating your own multilingual sites, Lingotek will demo the Lingotek - Inside Drupal 8 Module and show how it integrates with their cloud-based translation management system (TMS). They will demonstrate how the TMS can translate, localize, update, and publish global content all within a single, uninterrupted workflow.
After Lingotek's demo, we'll move on to some more advanced topics such as challenges when migrating to Drupal 8 from older versions of Drupal. At the end of the day, we'll open up the room for a Q&A session to address some of your project-specific multilingual questions and concerns.
Meet the trainers
Aimee Degnan
Hook 42
Aimee has been in the web world since the 90’s working as a web architect and project manager dealing a variety of Enterprise content management systems. She has presented at DrupalCons, BADCamps, Stanford camps, SANDCamps, and other Drupal camps and user group meetings. Aimee is currently writing the Drupal 8 Multilingual Sites book.
Kristen Pol
Hook 42
Kristen has been working with Drupal since 2004 as a developer and architect, specializing in multilingual, migrations, and SEO. She has presented at many DrupalCons, BADCamps, Stanford camps, and other Drupal camps and user group meetings. Kristen wrote the Drupal 7 Multilingual Sites book.
Joshua Solomon
Josh (aka Solomojo) was first introduced to Drupal in 2010 and has been an advocate ever since. He has implemented Drupal as the backbone of dozens projects ranging from e-commerce to scheduling/calendaring systems. As Product Manager at Lingotek, he is responsible for developing the product roadmap for the Lingotek - Inside Drupal module.
TJ Murphy
TJ is a Software Engineer and spends his time working with Lingotek’s Drupal 7 connector. He has engineered the ability to transfer content between Drupal and middleware Lingotek connectors with PHP.
The trainings fill up fast so sign up soon! See you at BADCamp!